Scenery Stuff Kits

Resin Car Works presents a series of simple HO scale kits that can enhance a scene on your model railroad. These kits will focus on common structures or loads for open top cars. Scenery Stuff kits will feature a one piece resin casting that will need to be painted by the modeler. Some kits may have additional details to reflect prototype practices. In many cases, a Scenery Stuff kit will have more than one casting for you to customize before setting into a scene on your railroad or freight car.

Production runs will be limited with no guarantee of reruns.

Please keep in mind these important points about Resin Car Works kits.

  1. All kits will be run in limited batches. Additional limited batches of specific kits may be run as demand warrants.
  2. All kits will contain custom parts; resin castings, decals, any special parts like photo-etchings, brake parts and instructions. These parts are supplied by small garage operations and arrive in batches for kit packaging. Staggered arrival of kit parts could delay filling orders for four to six weeks before everything is on hand.



Transformers LT-2

Here's an open load that could appear just about anywhere. These ubiquitious electrical transformers were common sights on the American landscape with many travelling by rail. Your transformer load could be arriving on your layout, or going somewhere beyond. Many thanks to Patrick Hodina for creating the CAD files to print.

The parts are 3D prints from Shapeways, printed with the Fine Ultimate Detail material otherwise known as FUD.

Two sets of three transformers are $22.50 when printed in the Versatile Plastic (VP) material. These can also be printed in the Smoothest Fine Detail (SFD) plastic material for a $32 cost. Flat car not included.

Shapeways charges flat processing and shipping fees. Combining orders may not increase shipping costs.

Order the transformer loads directly from Shapeways.

Here are instructions for the LT-2 transformer loads (9MB PDF). Prototype photos and loading diagrams are included.

Grain Bins - Four HO scale resin cast bins for only $36!

More castings have arrived and we can re-introduce this favorite.

This is a one piece resin cast kit. The models are 16 scale feet in diameter and about 18 scale feet tall.

There are no extras with this kit. There are no decals or photo-etched parts.

Please print out and complete this order form with the proper item code and quantity, then send it in with payment to the address on the form.

Grain Bin kit instructions - PDF file

Bill Darnaby painted and installed some bins on his Maumee Route.
Click on either image to review a larger size. Photos by Bill Darnaby.

Many grain bins could be found in pairs or clustered near the tracks in many towns.

Currently unavailable!

Product code L-B1 - Boiler loads for open top freight cars - Two HO scale resin cast boiler loads.

The boilers are a one piece resin cast kit. Etched brass tie-down straps are included. Modelers must supply wood for proper blocking.

Boiler load kit instructions - PDF file

Here are a few prototype images.




Currently unavailable!

Product code L-T1 - Transformer loads for open top freight cars - Two HO scale resin cast transformer loads with crates. (Flat car NOT included.)

These transformers and crates are one piece resin castings. The models represent oil cooled units that are being returned for, or from, rebuilding. The transformer design is from the Twenties, so they can be built new for that era or used into the 60’s when transformers of these type were replaced. Resin parts were supplied for the blocking. Modelers must supply wire for the tie-down rods.

Transformer load kit instructions - PDF file

Here are a few prototype files to help your modeling efforts.

Click on either image to review a larger size.